A beautiful clock was presented to Orange-town Engine Company #1 by Passaic Engine Company #1 (Paterson) on October 13, 1886. Research revealed it was presented to, and the Fire Company have the clock front and center in it's museum display at the firehouse along with tons of other Nyack memorabilia.
The clock is beautifully displayed and can be seen from inside their main room and from the street. They have their first apparatus up on a pedestal and right below, dead center, is the clock presented to them by the Passaic Engine Company One. |
Common to every Paterson firehouse were oak bedside stools and comfortable oak sitting chairs (at right is Godwin Avenue FH: Tommy Ingram standing & Captain Joe Dayspring sitting). During the depression PFD performed an inventory and everything was labeled (numbered) and affixed with a small brass circular plaque
Halligan Bar mounted on a piece of oak by the shop and presented to Captain James Coyle on his retirement in 1963 (a 42 year career). Coyle was known to always carry a Halligan Bar. Appointed October 16, 1921 and assigned Truck 2. Promoted to Captain January 1, 1942; December 1, 1947 E11; January 12, 1949 E13; November 9, 1952 Truck 3; December 1961 - Truck 1 "B"