The project of "organizing an association of exempt firemen was talked of for many years before it became an accomplished fact. In November, 1882, the following notice appeared in the Paterson daily papers:
Notice. — To the Exempt Firemen of the City of Paterson; You are requested to attend a meeting to be held on Monday evening, November 27th, 1882, at 8 o'clock, at the engine house of the Washington Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 3, for the purpose of forming an Exempt Firemen's Association. Signed: John W. Bensen, "William Dobson, John McKiernan, William C. Martin, James I. King, Thomas Healey, Patrick Sweeney, and Will Strong. In response to this call ninety-six exempt firemen met at Engine 3's house on Prospect Street. Ex-Chief John McKiernan called the meeting to order and was elected chairman. John Johnson, of Engine 4, was elected secretary. After considerable discussion |
During the month of October, 1887, a fair was held at Washington Hall, the proceeds netting $2,000. At the annual meeting held in December, 1887, it was voted to establish permanent headquarters, and Geo. W. Pollitt, John W. Bensen and John I. Spittel were appointed a committee to procure suitable rooms.
A close look at the home below shows "Old Gooseneck" of Passaic Engine Company 1 on the left porch and the magnificent life-size statute of NYC Volunteer Chief Harry Howard standing on the roof over the right porch (in both graphics). Also note the porch has been extended on the left between top and bottom photos. |