Pages appear in the order as per original book (less the advertising pages)
Page 1
Page 3
Page 5
Chief Engineer James Troy - Page 7
Firer Marshall - Page 9
A Shift Deputy & Battalion Chiefs - Page 11
B Shift Deputy and Battalion Chiefs - Page 13
Chairman Huber - Page 15
FMBA President Frank Dalton - Page 17
Page 24
Page 25
At top is the Fire Alarm Staff - At bottom out side of Headquarters are FF not present during original shoot of their companies - Page 27
Outside of Headquarters are Chief's Aides - Joseph Dow and Edward A Hancock missing - Harold J Kane become a Chief Engineer in 1960 - Page 31
Inspection detail and Theater detail outside of Fire Headquarters - Page 35
Armistice Day Parade (marching outside the Armory on Market Street - Page 41
The top is mislabeled - It is not the Inspection detail but rather the A shift of Engine 1: L-R are Captain George Walls, Joseph Kuyl, William Bradley, Harold Schoonmaker, Fallous Baker and Michael Fleming. At bottom is the B shift. Both shifts are outside their bays at headquarters and behind the door is an Ahrens Fox pumper - Page 47
A and B shift of Engine 2 at 77 Highland Street quarters - note Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door - Page 53
A and B shift of Engine 3 outside of their 12th Avenue quarters with Ahrens fox pumper behind the doors - Captain Reiche made Supreme Sacrifice in 1961 - Page 59
A and B shift of Engine 4 at Slater Street quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door. That is Earl H Plavier (later a Captain) - Page 65
A and B Shifts of Engine 5 outside their bay at Headquarters (Ahrens Fox Pumper behind the door)
A and B shifts of Engine 6 out side their Market and Pennington Street quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door - Page 77
A and B shift of Engine 7 at their Gould Avenue (and Pacific Street) quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door - Page 83
A and B shift of Engine 8 at their Wayne Avenue (at Liberty Street) quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door- Page 89
A and B shift of Engine 9 at their Main Street quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door. Rookie FF Louis Rotella is subject of the story shown later at page 143 - Page 95
A and B shifts of Engine 10 at 17th Avenue (at East 26th Street) quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door. FF Walter Pitkethly made Supreme Sacrifice in 1950 - Page 101
A and B shifts of Engine 11 at their 97 Grand Street (at Quinn Street) quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door - Page 107
A and B Shifts of Engine 12 at Circle Avenue (North 3rd Street) quarters with their 1948 Mack pumper behind the door - Page 113
A and B shift of Engine 13 at their 23rd Avenue (at East 21st Street) quarters with Ahrens Fox pumper behind the door - Page 119
A and B shifts of Truck 1 at their Jackson Street quarters (between Green and Slater Streets) with Ahrens Fox aerial behind door - Page 123
A and B shifts of Truck 2 at Headquarters with Ahrens Fox aerial behind the door - Page 131
A and B shifts of Truck 3 outside their Godwin Avenue (at Auburn Street) quarters with Ahrens Fox aerial behind the door - Page 137
Article authored by Captain Joseph Dayspring of Truck 3 which details the life of a Firefighter using rookie Louis Rotella of Engine 9 as an example - Page 143
Part 2 of the story - photos are inside Engine 89 quarters on Main Street - Page 149
Part 3 of the story - Engine 9 Ahrens Fox is exiting the Main Street quarters - Page 155
Epilogue Page 155
Additional photo of FF not present with their company photos. Top is at Engine 4 on Slater Street and bottom is at Headquarters on Van Houten Street - Page 169