Telesquirt refers to an apparatus with a "Telescoping Boom-Ladder" which serve as compact aerials with the maneuverability of a pumper. Between 1982 and mid 1990s, PFD operated four Telesquirts: 3 were ALF pumper conversions and one (a Spartan-Thibault) was purchased new.
PFD American LaFrance Pumper to Telesquirt Conversions
For more details (colors, markings, assignments) on all PFD American LaFrance apparatus (steamers, pumpers, aerials)
Between January 24, 1978 and November 5, 1979 PFD had 5 ALF pumpers
(1) 1977 (January 24) ALF 740 1250 GPM Serial CE175677 - Engine 1 Never converted to a Telesquirt (2) 1977 (January 27) ALF 740 1250 GPM (Serial # CE175678) - Engine 3 Never converted to a Telesquirt (3) 1977 (January 27) ALF 7401250 GPM (Serial # CE175679) - Engine 5 After being badly damaged in 1978 Fulton Street General Alarm fire was Converted to Telesquirt which returned to service in 1982 at Engine 1
(4) 1979 (November 5) ALF Century 1250 GPM (Serial CE6620 - Engine 5 Converted to Telesquirt 1984 for Engine 5 (5) 1979 (November 5) ALF Century1250 GPM (Serial # CE6621) - Engine 12 (then 9) Converted to Telesquirt and saw service at Engine 8
The ALF Telesquirts
Between 1982 and 1984 three of the above ALF pumpers were converted to Telesquirts
1982: First Telesquirt conversion was (3) above: (Serial CE175679) which went to Engine 1 at Madison Avenue firehouse
1984: Second Telesquirt conversion was (4) above: 1979 ALF (Serial CE 6620) which went to Engine 5 at Riverside firehouse
1984: Third Telesquirt conversion was (5) above: 1979 ALF (Serial CE 6621) originally painted in factory as E9 but saw first service at Engine 8
(3) January 27, 1978: Shortly after being put in service, on April 29, 1978 this new Company 5 ALF apparatus (CE175679) was badly damaged at the Fulton Street fire and was removed from service.
Damaged E5 ALF CE175679
It took several years, but the badly damaged E5 ALF pumper (CE175679) was ultimately refurbished as a Telesquirt, painted white with vertical red and blue stripes on door and assigned to Engine Company 1 at Madison Avenue in 1982. Note that to accommodate the hose tower and ladder, there were now two new cab roof flashing lights which were rectangular shape.
PFD's First Telesquirt
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue Firehouse October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue Firehouse October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue Firehouse October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue Firehouse October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue FH October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue FH October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (former E5) at Madison Avenue FH October 1982
1977 ALF CE175679 (Hancock Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Hancock Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Hancock Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Hancock Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Natoli Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Natoli Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Natoli Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Natoli Collection)
1977 ALF CE175679 (Natoli Collection)
April 1, 1983 Mike McLean photo
E1 on May 29, 1983 Market Street 4th alarm
Engine 1 ALF CE175679 at Icy River Street Fire
In 1985 the 1977 ALF Telesquirt (Serial CE175679) was transferred to Engine 6 at Southside Firehouse where it remained until 1989.
First Day the Telesquirt became Engine 6 - FF Armindo Cortz of E1, Jimmy Shearn (E6) and Richard Maddy
1977 ALF Telesquirt conversion CE175679 at Engine Co 6: photo in lot across from firehouse
ALF Telesquirt conversion CE175679 at Engine Co 6 at Southside FH
ALF Telesquirt conversion CE175679 at Engine Co 6 at Southside FH
ALF CE175679 at 90th Anniversary Parade (Hancock Collection)
Todd Hollritt photo
Engine 6 Telesquirt at right on August 30 1985
FF Jimmy Laneve - 1986 Janet Chris photo
Engine 6 Squirt on September 18, 1987 Dillistin Lumber
The 1979 ALF pumper (CE 66220) which was originally assigned to Engine 5 was converted to a Telesquirt and returned to service on December 3, 1984 at Engine 5 (at Riverside Firehouse). The original single flashing light on the cab roof was replaced by two circular (not rectangular) cab flashing lights, which created space for the tower to fit. It remained in service there until 1987. Airhorns were also added. There were no stripes on the door.
E5 ALF CE6620 Telesquirt conversion at Madison Avenue
CE 66220
E5 ALF CE6620 Telesquirt conversion
E5 ALF CE6620 Telesquirt conversion
E5 ALF CE6620 Telesquirt conversion
E5 ALF CE6620 Telesquirt conversion
December 23, 1985 Main Street 3rd alarm (P Danzo photo)
Engine 5 squirt on December 5, 1985 Cianci Street general Alarm
Engine 5 Squirt on June 13, 1987 at Broadway fire (Pelta photo)
E5 Telesquirt - FF Ed McGrady, BC Tom Coppo & FF Vince Zito
~1984-1985 photo of Madison Avenue Firehouse with ALF apparatus: Two ALF Telesquirt conversions (E5 and E1) and one ALF pumper (E2) and a gig
The 1979 ALF (Serial #CE 66220) Telesquirt conversion last assignment was at Engine Company 3 at Lakeview Firehouse from 1989 to 1996.
1979 ALF (Serial #CE 66220) Telesquirt conversion
Engine 3 Squirt on December 8, 1989 at Main Street fire. Note fire extinguisher on rear step
Unknown Telesquirt in action
In September 1982, Engine Company 12 was put out of service and renumbered as Engine Company 9, still using ALF #CE6621. It remained at the Circle Avenue firehouse. In 1984 this pumper was sent out for conversion to a 55' (Reddi-Tower) Telesquirt. After restoration the apparatus, now painted white returned from factory in 1985 marked as Engine Company 9 (see photo below). There were no stripes on the cab door. In fact it never saw service as Engine 9 because due to structural issues the Circle Avenue Firehouse could no longer accommodate such a heavy apparatus and the pumper being used by Engine 9 had relocated to 77 Highland Street, a old firehouse that also could not accommodate a Telesquirt. The Telesquirt with the E9 markings actually participated in the 90th Anniversary parade (see photo below). The Telesquirt (ALF CE6621) was then (1985) sent to Engine 8 at Hillcrest Firehouse on Union Avenue. Note the cab roof now had two flashing lights but no airhorns.
1979 ALF CE6621 converted to Telesquirt in 1985 and labeled as but never assigned to E9
ALF CE6621 Telesquirt in 1985 in 90th Anniversary Parade - saw duty as E8
In fact it never saw service as Engine 9 because due to structural issues the Circle Avenue Firehouse could no longer accommodate such a heavy apparatus and the pumper being used by Engine 9 had relocated to 77 Highland Street, a old firehouse that also could not accommodate a Telesquirt. The Telesquirt with the E9 markings actually participated in the 90th Anniversary parade (see photo above). The Telesquirt (ALF CE6621) was then (1985) sent to Engine 8 at Hillcrest Firehouse on Union Avenue.
Telesquirt at Engine Company 8 on Union Ave (Hillcrest FH); 1979 ALF CE6621
Engine 8 Telesquirt at Hillcrest Firehouse: 1979 ALF CE6621
Engine 6 Squirt on January 4, 1988 at Allied Textile factory
At 1991 Meyer's Brothers General Alarm fire: 1979 ALF CE6621
E8 ALF Telesquirt on May 14 1992 at Wayne Avenue fire
Cab of Engine 8 ALF Telesquirt at January 1994 Straight Street fire
Rear of Engine 8 ALF Telesquirt January 1994 McBride Avenue fire
Spartan Thibault Redi-Tower Telesquirt
February 19, 1985: Engine Company 1 at Madison Avenue Firehouse acquires a new Thibault 55' telescoping Telesquirt with 1250 GPM pump and 300 gallon booster tank.
Drill on River Street
Captain Woodruff and F/F John Ferrarella
F/F John Ferrarella
Captain Robert Woodruff, Captain Jim Tasca, William Taylor & Bruce Selowenchich of Tour 4
F/F John Ferrarella, Captain Jim Tasca & Captain Woodruff
E1 Thibault at March 22 1985 Main Street 2nd alarm
E1 Thibault squirt on August 1, 1987 at River & Fulton Street General Alarm
E5 Thibault Squirt on April 7 1988 3rd alarm on Hamilton Street
E5 Thibault Squirt at 1990 fire
Top view of E5 Thibault Squirt on March 24 at North 3rd Street fire
December 23 Main Street 3rd alarm with 2 ALF Squirts (E5 & 6) & Thibault Squirt (at right)
Peter Danzo photo
1987: Engine 5 gets the Thibault Telesquirt
At Riverside firehouse
Apparatus Dedication Plaque for Chaplain Rabbi Konheim