General, Alarm September 9, 1930 Station 623 (private box) at 11:26 AM 26 Branch Street
Destruction of Lamond and Robertson rug plant and storehouse Huge pillar of smoke which could be seen for miles Damage to Lyons plant of Associated Piece Dye Works Destruction of home at 33 6th Avenue Damage to two other 6th Avenue homes 7 citizens injured - 3 hospitalized Fireman (Henry Donalson of Engine 2 - sustained a laceration) Superintendent of FA, Daniel Moore with hand laceration Thousands of spectators
Deputy Chief James Sweeney & BC Charles Nolan assumed first command Off duty BC Michael Comer recalled Engines 1, 5, 12 & Truck 3 on 1st alarm Subsequently Engines 1,3, 4, 6, 5, 10, 11, and 13 - Truck 2 Engines 7 and 9 reserved to protect the city Mutual aide from Prospect Park, Haledon, Hawthorne, West Paterson and Little Falls Companies relieved at midnight with Engine 3 and Truck 3 kept on detail