June 9, 1860: 3rd ward hose company will be called Cataract Hose 2 and that for the 7th or 8th ward be called Hibernia Hose 3
August 24, 1869: New Hose Companies - Cataract 2 and Hibernia 3
The Press
This company was organized in 1869, and went into service February 1st, 1870. Their carriage was built by Nichols & Co., at the Paterson Steam Fire Engine Works. It is the same style of carriage as Hose No. 2.
The city-erected a house for them upon the lot adjoining Jackson Engine No. 4's house on Slater Street (between Mill and Jersey Streets). The city disbanded all hose companies in 1890 as the paid department was being organized.
Sanborn Map of Hibernia Hose 3 & Jackson Engine 4 on Slater Street
Slater Street between Jersey and Mill Streets
October 21, 1869: Hose Carriage Firehouses #3 to be built on Slater Street
The Press
November 22, 1869: Contract awarded to builder of Hose 3 Firehouse on Slater Street
November 23 Press
January 5, 1870: Construction of foundation for new quarters begins
The Press
February 1, 1870: New carriage or Hibernia 3 is built by Paterson Steam Fire Engine works to be stored quarters of Jackson 4 on Slater Street
March 16, 1870: Construction of Hibernia 3 Hose quarters
The Press
August 9, 1870: Hose Carriage houses to be occupied
The Press
1871: Foreman: Edward Fanning (note name on roster list at bottom of page). Foreman Fanning has badge #1, Secretary: James Grant
September 5, 1871: Hibernia Hose Company returns from excursion to Newburgh NY. A welcome back reception held in quarters of Jackson Co 4.
Daily Guardian courtesy Jim Eifler
September 5, 1871: Return of Hibernia 3 to Paterson
September 6 Press
1872: Foreman of Company was : Edward Fanning, Assistant Foreman: Michael Sutley
1873: Foreman of Company was John Pah; Assistant James Sommers
March 1873: Silver presentation trumpet given to Leonard Hose 3 of Newburgh, NY by Hibernia Hose 3 of Paterson
"Presented to Leonard Hose Company 3 of Newburgh N.Y., by Hibernia Hose Company 3 of Paterson, NJ., March 1873. Trumpet has a fire helmet tassel holder on top and bottom of shaft.
Presentation Trumpet
Presentation Trumpet
September 13, 1873: Leonard Hose Company of Newburgh, NY FD visits Paterson and offers special accolades to Hibernia Hose 3
The Press
Early Hose Company Badge
Shield shaped badge from Hibernia (note hose encircling the #3)
Helmet Shield perhaps of member Peter Dunn
June 14, 1874: New Company organized under their recently approved charter by legislature.
June 15 Press
April 8, 1875: Hose Carraige painted by A. Fitzgerald
July 30, 1875: Firehouse damaged
August 5 Guardian
February 7, 1876: Company elections - James Summers elected as foreman
February 8 The Press
April 12, 1876: Gas meter removed from quarters
The Press
April 14 Guardian
April 14, 1876: Gas meter incident - full details - Hibernia Hose quarters adjoins quarters of Jackson 4.
May 8, 1876: Company preparing for upcoming annual ball
September 7, 1876: Grand Annual Ball at WashingtonHall on November 1
1877 Act of Incorporation and By-Laws Manual
February 7, 1877: Elections with James Scanlon becoming Foreman
The Press
March 5, 1877: Recovery of stolen Hibernia 3 lanterns
September 28, 1877: Hose Carriage of Hibernia 3 repainted
September 29 Press
February 2, 1880: Company elections - John Cluney Foreman - John Hinchcliffe Assistant
February 3 Press
April 17, 1880: Death of member Alexander Sherry
Aprill 22 Press
June 18, 1880: Death of William Kinchliffe
June 19 Press
August 1, 1880: St John's Church has issue with Hibernia 3 at funeral of Henry Collins
August 2 Press
March 3, 1883: Aldermen approve a gong for Hibernia Hose Company 3 (erroneously called #2 in news clip)
Paterson Press
August 12, 1883: Death of Charles Doherty (age 25)
August 13 Press
February 5, 1884: Company elections - Foreman Francis Dryer and Assistant Bernard Petty
Paterson Press
July 22, 1884: FF Parr injured at fire at Dolphin Mill
August 26, 1884: Foreman Dryer has issues within hornets nest in building cornice
February 5, 1885: Company elections - Foreman Edwin Tomilnson
March 20, 1885: Company Roster & Badge Numbers
Foreman, EDWIN TOMLINSON. Assistant Foreman, JOHN J. MOORE. Secretary, FRANK W. KING. Treasurer, WILLIAM WALKER. Badge Names Occupation Residence Number 1 Edward Fanning. ..Carpenter..... 138 Jersey street. 2 John Parr. .... ....... .Machinist ..175 Pine street. 3 Patrick Kirwin .......Machinist..157 Jackson street. 4 Thomas Flynn.......Machinist.. 408 Main street. 5 James Sommors........ Helper.... 188 Mill street. 6 James Scanlon.....Carpenter ... 146 Mill street 7 Michael Phalon. ..Helper. .... ...136 Slater street. 8 Daniel McGill...... Machinist ...60 Mill street. 9 James Crowley.. . .Liquor Dealer..243 Grand street. 10 Peter Dunn. ....... Helper. ........ 131 Pine street. 11 Timothy Phalon. ...Boiler Maker. . .80 Marshall street. 12 John Kinchcliffe. ..Boiler Maker .......134 Slater street. 13 Jacob Smith........ Machinist... ......343 Grand street. 14 Hugh Pryor......... Moulder. . ...... ...60 Marshall street 15 Luke Walsh. ...... Plumber ...........143 Mill street. 16 Charles Dougherty. . Boiler Maker.. 160 Market street. 17 Frank Dryer. .......... .Carpenter ........ ..232 Mill street 18 William Hambridge. . .Boiler Maker. . .519 Morris street. 19 Edwin Tomlinson. . . .. .Blacksmith,. ..... .422 Totowa ave. 20 William Wood. ........ Hackler. ......... .224 Slater street. 21 Bernard Petty.. ......... Boiler Maker . . . 86 Pine street 22 William Burns. ......... Puddler. ...........38 Washington ave. 23 Thomas Nichols. ...... .Boiler Maker.. .58 Jersey street. 24 John McGeegan. . ..... Carpenter. ........ 175 Jersey street 25 George Goldsmith. .. . Boiler Maker. .. . 53 Slater street. 26 Daniel McAteer. . ...... Liquor Dealer. .340 Totowa avenue. 27 Seth Parkin. ...... Machinist........... 124 Pine street. 28 Frank W. King..... Machinist......... 205 Slater street. 29 John Stewart ...... .. .Lather. ... . .. .. .. 65 Jersey street. 30 William Walker... ... Liquor Dealer ...145 Jersey street. 31 John J. Moore. ....... .Silk Weaver. ......14 Dale avenue. 32 Thomas Brennan ....... Helper. ...... ....128 Pine street. 33 Peter Larkin...... ..... Helper....... 193 Mill street. 34 John Templeton ...... .Moulder... . .. . 38 Elm street. 35 Richard Cudden . .. . Liquor Dealer. ...Van Houten street 36 John Kelley. ........... Liquor Dealer... 88 Spruce street. 37 Janmes Dunn.. ......... .Boiler Maker. . . .32 Market street. 38 Patrick Murray. . . .. . .Carpenter.. . ... .74 Pine street 39 Patrick O'Hara. ....... Moulder. .......... .76 Marshall street. 40 Patrick Riley. ........ ..Machinist. .........47 Jersey street. 41 Charles Keating. ...... Blacksmith. ......38 Grand street. 42 Frank McCourt. ....... Stone Mason. ......30 Marshall.street. 43 James Lappin. ......... Liquor Dealer. .. .. .154 Mill street. 44 George Stewart. ....... Coal Dealer. . . . . . . 68 Jersey street. 45 Hugh Burns............ Liquor Dealer. .. .. .57 Mill street. 46 Patrick Foster.......... Laborer ............103 Mill street 47 Charles Decker. ........ Carpenter. ... ......71 Marshall street. 48 William Dunn... ..... Boiler Maker. . . . . . .76 Jersey street
February 3, 1886: Company elections - Foreman John J Moore
October 1, 1886: Hibernia Hose 3 leadership
Morning Call
January 31, 1887: Death of James Sommers
Daily Press
February 3 Morning Call
February 9, 1887: Officer elections - John Moore is foreman and George Clark assistant
Paterson Press
February 10 Guardian
January 4, 1888: Company fined for failing to respond
Morning Call
July 2, 1888: Alderman pass ordinance to disband the hose companies
Morning Call
June 25, 1889: Alderman's meeting authorizing construction of a stall for gig of the Chief Engineer at former quarters of Hibernia Hose 3 on Slater Street
Morning Call - Courtesy Jim Eifler
July 2, 1889: Fire Committee decides to sell quarters of Columbia Hose 1 and carriages of Columbia Hose 1 and Hibernia Hose 3
Paterson Daily Press
August 6, 1889: The old Hibernia Hose Carriage sold for $35
Paterson Daily Press
August 21, 1889: Columbia 1 Firehouse and two hose carriages (Columbia 1 and Hibernia 3) sale planned
August 26, 1889: Hose wagon put up for sale
Courtesy Jim Eifler
December 16, 1902: Paterson News story of the recent Exempts annual meeting and the reporter recalling firefighting of old and the relics at the Exempt Home. The story delves into a major silver Trumpet rivalry between Lafayette Engine 8 (the "pride" of Totowa) and Hibernia Hose 3 (located in Dublin area).