West side of street, near Market. Hotel Street later (1894) renamed Hamilton Street
October 17, 1898: Horse escapes from Fire Headquarters
October 18 Paterson News
December 24, 1898: New "Trip" device set up at Headquarters
Paterson News
September 13, 1890: The new chemical Engine was tested and then quartered at Engine 2 firehouse on Hotel Street with the Engine 2 Steamer being moved to temporarily run out of the Hose House on Bridge Street until the new Highland Street firehouse is completed.
Engine 2's Hose cart was relocated temporarily at Engine 9 on Main Street and the Gig of Chief Murphy will be at Hotel Street with the Chemical Company and the Hotel Street FH will serve as Fire Headquarters.
September 15 Morning Call courtesy Dennis Morrison
Chief John Stagg and Driver George Pfitzenmayer outside Hotel Street Firehouse
Assistasnt Chiefs James Mills (at left) and John Gilmore (at right) in from of Hamilton Street Fire Headquarters
1907 PFD Postcard series
City Hall on Market Street
The Chiefs office at Hotel Street (Hamilton Street) firehouse was small and visitors had to walk through the stables at Hotel Street Firehouse to access the steps.
February 27, 1900: A new office was opened for Chief Stagg at City Hall - Room 1. The Fire Alarm office was also moved there.
Paterson Daily Press
After the City Hall was rebuilt after the Great fire of 1902, on May 14, 1903 and for several years until 1912) the Chief Engineer (John Stagg) and the Fire Marshall James F. Carroll operated out of Fire Headquarters Office in City Hall.
Paterson News courtesy Dennis Morrison
The Assistant Chief (John Mills) still operated out of Hotel Street firehouse. Deputy Chief Patrick Sweeney was located at Engine Company 9 on Main Street and Second Assistant Chief John Gillmore was at Hook and Ladder Company 2 on Prospect Street. The Farm Alarm Office and Superintendent James Zeluff also was at the City Hall.
115 Van Houten Street
January 25, 1905 - Paterson Dail Press
August 27, 1906
September 7, 1907 - Paterson Daily Press
September 19, 1910: First views (Architect drawing) of new headquarters - was designed to have 16 horse stalls but they never were built.
Paterson Press
North side of street between Church and Washington Streets 1912-1982
V Zito photo - June 2019
Door to apparatus floor between the Truck 2 and Engine 5 bay
3rd Floor- Bedrooms - 2nd Floor rear- Left side: Scott-Pak room, middle, TV room & right side-bathroom. Between the Scott-Pak & TV rooms E-5 & Sq-1 hung their gear. Between the TV room & bathroom T-2 & E-1 hung their gear. Only rear of building had cellar windows
- Vince Zito photo
2022 photo from across the street
850 Madison Avenue 1982 -2015
November 3 1976 News courtesy Dennis Morrison
November 21, 1979 Paterson News courtesy Dennis Morrison
Christmas 2022 - Captain Kyle Hughes, FF’s James Benfatti, Marco Pelosi, Dwayne Roberts, Capt. Ryan Ackerman, FF David Clemente, Capt. Gustavo Gutierez , FF’s Thomas Perea, William Rivera. Standing: FF Joe Statuto, Probationary FF John Duncan, FF Cesar Lopez
May 2016 Photo after installation of exterior sign
Louis Ponstingle Photo
Sign mad and installed by Louis Ponsitngel
July 2016 Vincent Marchese photo
Ambulance 97 rides out of headquarters. The command unit is Field Communications which is assigned to 3rd alarms and greater but can be mobilized for any incident on the authority of the incident commander. It has a communications area, a meeting room with strategy boards and a telescoping camera that also has thermal imaging capabilities.
The air unit, or cascade truck also carries the accountability officer and rehab supplies (water, gatorade, towels, etc.). It is assigned to all working fires or any incident where the incident commander deems necessary. It also responds to incidents any municipality in Passaic County at the request of that entity for the purpose of filling SCBA cylinders.
Engine 7 is at right
July 2016 Vincent Marchese photo
Interior view of apparatus floor -- Vincent Marchese photo August 2016
June 5, 2017: Memorial Service - Flag display with new Ladder 3 and Ladder 2
July 1, 2017: FF Kerry Rivera of Engine 7 died in an off duty accident June 26, 2017. He was posthumously promoted to Captain on June 30, 2017. Below is the assembly at McBride Avenue Headquarters as his cortege passed (Ron Bombaro Photos)
L-R: Engines 6, 3, 2. Ladder 1, Spare 1
2017: Plaques added to McBride Avenue Firehouse
January 2018 - Signage reflects new Chief Brian McDermott
Kitchen Table
June 3, 2018: Annual Memorial Service T Dayspring photos
June 6, 2018: Engine 7 and Mobile Cascade Unit
Instatgram {Post by Congressman Bill Pacrell
November 2018: New insignia on kitchen door
May 28, 2019: Fire Headquarters renamed for Congressman Pascrell - following a unanimous vote of approval by the Paterson City Council. Ceremony to be held June 24, 2019
Chief McDermott and Congressman Pascrell - John Hund photo
Numerous Chiefs in Attendance
Mayor Sayegh, Congressman Pascrell, PFA President Kyle Hughes
John Hund photo
Click to enlarge additional Vince Marchese photos
Click to Enlarge - Bob Connell photos
July 25, 2019: Car 6 and RAC Unit at Headquarters
Vince Marchese Photo
Vince Marchese Photo
April 2-3, 2020: COVID 19 testing Center
Chief McDermott
July 2, 2020: Promotional Ceremony at Headquarters
Chief McDermott - Vince Marchese photo
July 27, 2020: RAC Unit and E7 responding from quarters Ron Bombaro video
June 4, 2021: Memorial Service (Bill Tompkins photos)
July 15, 2021: West Paterson's restored Ahrens Fox (1930 PFD Engine 9) at Memorial Monument
Vincent Marchese photo
FF Louis Hernandez, ?, FF Phil Dominguez, Captain Chris Antoci, Captain Gus Gutierez (Car 9), DC William Bucher, DC Joe Henderson, DC Jason Macones, BC Mike Trommelen, Chief Brian McDermott - Vince Marchese photo
October 14, 2021: Madison Avenue - Engine 1, Ladder 1 and Spare ladder 1
Todd Hollritt photo
Todd Hollritt photo
Todd Hollritt photo
January 31, 2022: New RAC Unit arrives at Headquarters
Made by Ferrara apparatus
April 11, 2022: The new RAC unit officially enters service at Headquarters (Ron Bombaro video)
June 4, 2022: Headquarters photos by Ron Bombaro
July 1, 2022: Interior view of Headquarters
Todd Hollritt photos
2022: Engine 3 Ferrara pumper at headquarters
1st responder News - NJ Edition - October Issue
January 23, 2023: PFD completed a repurposing project of a 2015 Department Ambulance in order to save cost. PFD mechanics made it road worthy with parts from old rigs and the new snow equipment. In the winter, it’s a plow/salter. During a severe snow-storm it will be deployed on all reported fires to plow the way and drop some salt. Aside from that, it will clear snow from PFD facilities. From Spring to Fall, mechanics will remove the snow equipment and assign it to Rescue 2 with a swift water rescue boat on the flat bed instead of using the older towed landscape trailer.
April 14, 2023: Apparatus on firehouse apron. Ron Bombaro photos. Engine 2, Engine 7, RAC Unit and PFD Outreach Unit (with flames)
July 25, 2023: RAC Unit responding from Headquarters Bombaro video
November 29, 2023: PFD installs a new Chief Engineer - Alejandro Alicea. In a rare happening at Headquarters - The FF of Tour 2 display the sign yet to be hung on exterior of firehouse - E7, EMS 7 & Rac Unit - L-R are Benedetto Russo, Captain Steven Ali, Heriberto Lopez, Rocco Maley, Francisco Peralta Jr., Carlos Miranda and Jose Ochoa. Pretty rare to see such a sign photo before it is hung.
Sign on the Firehouse Exterior
December 20, 2023: Three new Ferrara pumpers for Engines 1. 4, and 5 arrive
December 31, 2023: Tour 3 FF and BC meet at Madison Avenue after being out at an alarm
FF Gabriel Velez, FF Cesar Medina, FF Gabriel Crichlow, Capt Winfred Roman, BC Santino Falcone, FF Jean Vargas, FF Greg Gourley, FF Craig Puglise, FF Kenneth Hicks, FF Christopher DiBella, FF Devin McGowan, FF John Molina, Capt Ryan Higgins, FF Martin Taccetta, FF Devin Anderson, BC Frank Liscio, FF Andrew Ocasio, Capt Michael Payne, Capt Jonathan Salmond, FF Amanda Dakake, Capt Mike Scherer, FF Matt McLaughlin, FF Joel Fermin, FF Alvin Ramos, FF Timothy Klein, Capt Andrzej Kalata, FF John Hurley, Capt Luis Mantilla, FF Alex Hernandez, FF Issac Rivera, FF Kyle Mizdol, FF Luis Salerna, FF Timothy DeHaas