Incident Number: begins with last two numbers of the year (i.e., 21 for 2021) followed by sequential numbers. For instance the third incident of the year 2021 would be # 210003
January 18, 2021: Mutual Aid to Haledon for 3 alarm fire on Haledon Ave CLICK for more photos
Jersey Firefighters 2021 Issue 2 - Courtesy Bill Tompkins
Ladder 2
D/C Calamita
RAC Unit
January 29, 2021: Mutual aid to a ten alarm fire in Passaic (Bill Tompkins photos)
Engine 6
Engine 2
Ladder 2
RAC Unit
February 4, 2021: Snow storm aftermath at E24 Street and Park Ave - Todd Hollritt photos
E1 and L1
Ladder 1
Engine 5 using Spare-2
Battalion 2 Gig
February 22, 2021: @1534 Hrs. Incident # 21-1291 Working fire, 264 E. 22nd. St. 2 story wood frame occupied dwelling with fire on the second floor. Primary and secondary searches proved negative. Battalion 2 remained in command as the fire was placed under control shortly after TC arrival. Due to the damage caused by the fire and post overhaul operations, the utilities were cut to the structure and the owner and occupants relocated with the assistance of Paterson Police. A firefighter injured (fracture) his foot during vertical ventilation from the aerial device.
February 27, 2021: @0210Hrs Incident # 21-1411 30-32 North 7th Street 3rd alarm fire in a 2 story Ordinary Construction OMD. Heavy fire conditions on arrival on the second floor threatening the Delta exposure, 26-28 North 7th Street of similar construction. Primary and secondary searches of 30-32 North 7th Street were incomplete due to the extreme fire conditions and instability of the structure. Primary and secondary searches of 26-28 North 7th Street proved negative. Offensive attack was initiated. Conditions rapidly deteriorated which lead to a defensive operation on the building of origin. Companies entered the Delta Exposure and extinguished a minor fire condition on the second floor. Multiple exterior hand lines and an elevated master stream operated on the structure to contain the fire. Companies rotated through rehab. A PFD Captain suffered a second degree burn on his neck. He was transported to St. Joseph's Hospital Paterson for an initial assessment and treatment then transported by Ambulance 95 to St. Barnabas Burn Center for advanced treatment and care.
Jersey Firefighters 2021 Volume 5 Issue 2 - Courtesy Bill Tompkins
March 2, 2021: @1943 Incident #21- 1489 41Mutual aide to Clifton South Broad Street. Working fire at a paper recycling plant. A full box assignment responded on the initial call, assisted Clifton Fire with extinguishment. No civilian or firefighter injuries reported.
March 5, 2021: 10 Green Street 2nd alarm @2122 Hrs. Incident # 21-1576 8 Green Street. 2nd Alarm Fire, 2 ½ wood frame with exposure B of similar construction. Heavy fire on 2nd and 3rd floor of both structures, all tenants evacuated and relocated by Red cross through police (14 Adults and 8 children). A small dog was rescued and no injuries.
March 7, 2021: @1003 Hrs- Incident # 21-1603- Tour 2 - Working Fire at 349 Fair Street, a three story, Type 3, Ordinary Construction apartment building housing twelve apartments. On arrival heavy fire was venting from the second floor windows on the 'A' side, auto exposing and extending into the third floor. A second alarm was transmitted. An aggressive interior attack was implemented. Four 1.75" lines were stretched to the fire floor and the floor above. A primary search was initiated on the fire building and the 'B' and 'D' exposures were evacuated. Rescue 2 split their company. The Captain and one FF opened the bulkhead door via the interior stairs. FF Santore and FF Hirschmanner went to the rear of the building and found an adult male and his approximately three year old daughter on the second floor rear fire escape. The father was holding his daughter over the railing about to drop her to the FF's below. FF Santore and FF Hirschmanner calmed the father down and prevented him from dropping his daughter. They then quickly ascended the fire escape and rescued the daughter and her father who were then transported to SJHMC for evaluation. Ladder 2 opened the roof to check for extension into the cockloft. There was no fire extension, just heavy smoke. Primary and secondary searches were negative. A third alarm was transmitted for additional manpower. The fire was placed under control at 1137. Companies remained on the scene for extensive overhaul operations.
D/C Calamita & B/C Joe Henderson - P Danzo photo
R2 Rob Santore, B/C Henderson, F/F Zach Villari
Captain Melhorn E7 - P Danzo photo
March 7, 2021: Incident #21-1609- Working Fire at 16 Barnert Place, a 2.5 story, Type 5 OMD. There was a heavy fire condition on arrival in the rear of the building that extended into the 'D' exposure (#14). A second alarm was transmitted. There were exposure problems on the 'B' (#16) and 'D1' (#12) sides, which were of similar height and construction separated by two feet. Offensive operations were implemented in all four structures. Searches were negative; the buildings were evacuated. A third alarm was transmitted, and companies were pulled out of #16 and #14 to switch to defensive operations. Multiple 2.5" lines, a deck gun and three ladder pipes were put into operation. A fourth alarm was transmitted, and companies transitioned back to offensive operations. Multiple PAR were conducted; all personnel were accounted for. All companies were rotated through REHAB. CFI-1 18 Barnert Place sustained minor damage. 12 Barnert Place sustained water damage.
March 8, 2021: 41 Wayne Avenue Working Fire Dwelling
First Responder News May 2021 Issue
March 9, 2021: PFD mutual aid to Fair Lawn on 3-9-21
March 14, 2021: 5:00 AM 177 Pearl Street Vacant 2 1/2 story frame
April 20, 2021: @ 1413 Hrs Incident #20-2636- Working Fire at 1097 Main Street, a large, 2.5 story, Type 5 mixed use. Heavy fire on the 'B' side on arrival, exposing a 3 story, Type 3 mixed use. A second alarm was transmitted. Searches were negative; Ladder 2 vented the roof. Multiple handlines were stretched. The 'B' exposure sustained minor damage to windows on the 'D' side. PAR and REHAB conducted.
Ron Bombaro video
April 25, 2021: @0037 Hrs Incident #21-2727- 3 Alarm Fire at 49 Williams Street, a 1.5 story, Type 5, occupied residential. The building was fully involved on arrival, with extension into the 'B' exposure (601-603 E.22nd Street). There were reported victims trapped in 49 Williams Street. All of the residents were accounted for. The 'C' exposure 599 E.22nd Street sustained extensive radiant heat damage. The 'D' exposure 298-300 also sustained extensive radiant heat damage. All three exposures were evacuated and searches were negative. There was no extension into the interior of the 'C' and 'D' exposures. Multiple 2.5" lines and 3 ladder pipes were put into operation. PAR and REHAB were conducted. CLICK FOR BTF PhotosCLICK FOR PAD Photos
1st Responder News June 2001
Jersey Firefighters - Vol 5 Issue 4
Ladder 3 Peter Danzo (PAD) photo
Peter Danzo (PAD) photo
Peter Danzo (PAD) photo
Peter Danzo (PAD) photo
Chief McDermott & TC Frank Calamita - Peter Danzo (PAD) photo
BTF photo
Tour Commander Frank Calamita and Chief Brian McDermott - BTF photo
New E3 Ferrara pumper - BTF photo
Spare 1 (2005 E-One pumper) - BTF photo
April 26. 2021: 206 North First Street 2nd alarm
May 2, 2021: @0649 Hrs Inident # 21-2876 Working Fire 81 Berkshire Ave an occupied 2.5 story Type 5 mixed use, housing three businesses on the first floor and apartments on the second floor. The fire started on the exterior of #81 and extended into the structure. The fire also extended into 83 and 85 Berkshire (attached). Deputy 2 transmitted a second alarm and a third alarm for manpower. Engine 2 forced entry and removed two sleeping occupants from a second floor apartment. Offensive Ops were implemented. L-2 vented the roof. The building was found to have a built up truss roof and truss ceilings between the first and second floor. There were no truss indicator signs on the structure. All companies were rotated through REHAB. PAR conducted, all personnel accounted for.
D/C Charles gander, D/C Lamar Colclough & TC Frank Calamita - Ron Bombaro Photo
May 2, 2021: (@1707 Hrs Incident # 21-2882- At approximately 1706 a civilian rang the doorbell at Northside Firehouse (48 Temple Street) reporting a fire at 85 Temple Street. Battalion 3 reported a Working Fire at 85 Temple Street, a large 2.5 story, Type 5 OMD. There was heavy fire in the basement and rear of the structure, extending into the 'B' exposure (#83) and the exterior siding of the 'D1' exposure (#89). Both exposure buildings were of similar height and construction. A second alarm was transmitted. Deputy 2 arrived on scene and transmitted a 3rd alarm. All three structures were evacuated. Offensive operations were implemented and primary searches were initiated. Deputy 2 ordered the fire building and the 'B' exposure evacuated due to heavy fire conditions in both structures. Multiple 2.5" hand lines, a deck gun and two aerial ladders were put into operation, and defensive operations were implemented. A fourth alarm was transmitted for manpower and additional water supplies. Companies darkened down the fire, and after the building was allowed to drain off and checked for structural stability, companies resumed an interior attack. Searches were negative; all residents were accounted for.
May 7, 2001: @0256 Hrs Incident #21-2966- Working Fire at 104 Lafayette Street . On arrival, there was heavy fire showing from the attic of a 2.5 story, Type 5 OMD, with extension into the 'D' (#102) and 'B' (#106) exposures, which were separated by two feet. A second and third alarm were transmitted. There were also approximately ten residents and PPD Sgt. Ryan Duffy trapped in the rear yard of the fire building. Companies were able to rescue all occupants from the rear of the building, with no injuries. The three fire buildings and the 'B1' exposure were evacuated. Offensive operations were implemented. Searches were negative. All three roofs were vertically ventilated.
1st Responder News July 2021 Issue
BTF Photo
May 16, 2021: @ 1519 Hrs Incident #21-3147 356 East 23rd St. 2nd Alarm Fire Fatal fire. Heavy smoke and fire conditions encountered on arrival in a 1 story WF residential. Bystanders alerted B/2 of a person trapped inside. An immediate rescue attempted by B/2, E5 and L3 with the protection of a hand line but heavy fire conditions impeded the attempt. Exposure "B" suffered fire damage and "D" radiant heat damage. Fire victim found during recovery and overhaul, scene then protected for investigators. PCPO, State Fire Marshall and Paterson Fire Official notified and responded to conduct an investigation. Fire victim pronounced at 1726 Hrs by SJRMC ALS 701.
May 28, 2021: 4th alarm at 176 12th Ave. involving at least 3 structures including a church and the former quarters of Liberty 7 (1872), Engine 7 (1890) and Engine 3 (1895) @1354 Hrs Incident # 21-3428- Working Fire at 174 12th Ave, a 2.5 story, Type 5, vacant structure that was fully involved. There was extension into the 'B' exposure (#176), a two story, Type 4 church and the 'D exposure (#172) a large 3.5 story, Type 5 occupied structure. A second alarm was transmitted. Deputy 2 assumed command. The original fire building monolithically collapsed. Live power lines were in the street and sidewalk. PSE&G on a rush killed the electric to the block. The gas was cut to all three buildings. A third alarm and a fourth alarm were transmitted. Offensive operations were implemented on the 'B' and 'D' exposures. Searches were negative in the fire buildings and the exposures. Multiple PAR and REHAB were conducted.
#173-175, #177 and #178 12th Avenue sustained radiant heat and/or water damage. PCPO was notified and responded.
June 9, 2021: 74-76 Preakness Avenue at Maple Street 2nd alarm
V Marchese photo
BC Jose Molina
June 10, 2021: Car fire East 18th and Putnam Street For video by Michael Saggau Jr. CLICK HERE
B/C Joe Henderson
June 18, 2021: @ 22:22 Hrs Incident # 21-014248 3rd alarm Tour 1 211 East 17th Street (at 7th Avenue) 2 1/2 story frame. Battalion (AJ Woods) 1 on scene with a 2 1\2 story wood frame with fire on all floors in the rear, 2 cars and a garage on fire and established command. 2nd Alarm transmitted. E-5 stretched 2 1/2 line down alley of the B exposure and extinguished all visible. fire. L-3 vertically vented the roof of the main fire building. Numerous 1 3/4 line stretched and operated on all floors to extinguish fire. R-2 conducted primary search with negative results. L-2 conducted pre\ post overhaul of all floors. 2nd Alarm companies operated and East 18th securing a water supply and stretching additional lines. Fire extension into the exterior siding of #207. Primary \ Secondary search in # 207 was negative, no interior fire spread.
Ron Bombaro photo
Cat resuscitation
June 22, 2021: Working fire at gas station with dramatic rescue (Spruce & Oliver Streets). Click here for full story
September 1, 2021: Massive rainfall from superstorm Ida - From Tap into Paterson - Steve Lenox reported: As if nearly seven inches of rain and flooding in every corner of the city weren’t enough, members of the Paterson Fire Department were also confronted with a gas explosion that leveled a two-and-a-half story brick frame house on Canal Street Wednesday, Fire Chief Brian McDermott said Thursday. The incident, which is still under investigation, came at the height of Hurricane Ida’s onslaught, a weather event of epic proportions that necessitated the rescue of at least 250 residents during the night. 31 one of them, Mayor Andre Sayegh said, were taken to a temporary shelter that was established at International High School and made available to all Passaic County residents in need. McDermott, who called it a “harrowing night,” described that local public safety crews had two high water vehicles, two rescue trucks, three boats, and two rapid deployment vehicles in action, all working together to rescue residents in both cars and homes. The Passaic County Sheriff's Office put an additional high water vehicle and two boats into use as well. One of those rescued was a man who got stuck under a bridge in the area of Presidential Boulevard and Temple Street. Additionally, a Paterson firefighter and a patient were pulled from an ambulance by an aerial ladder. With street cleaning canceled, DPW workers were being redeployed to assist in storm cleanup, Sayegh said, while trash and recycling pickups will continue through the weekend.
While admitting that in his 26 years of service he had never seen a flood that came so quickly and was “so intense,” McDermott shared his appreciation for all of those that put themselves in harm’s way to save others. “We were prepared,” McDermott said.
September 1, 2021: 38 Canal Street - House explosion and fire during massive storm "Ida" Fore more BTF photos CLICK HERE 3rd alarm but PFD did not have enough apparatus to fulfill the assignment
Engine 1
Engine 2
October 22, 2021: Incident 21-028852 @14:57 140 Lafayette Street 4th alarm 1st alarm E5, 4, 2, 1, L2, L3, R2, B1 and 2, RAC, EMS5. On 2nd alarm (@15:01) E6 and 7. On 3rd alarm (@15:15) E3 and L1. On 4th alarm (@15:49) Passaic Ladder, Clifton Engine, Haledon Engine, Under control 18:49. Dwelling heavily involved in rear. Exposures B and D involved on all 3 floors.
November 20, 2021: #21-032121 @9:40 AM 32 Oak Street E1, E3, E6, E7, L1, L2, R2, RAC, B2,B3, EMS6, Car 9, D4 2nd alarm @9:47 AM E4, E5 2.5 story wood frame, Multi Family Dwelling - Heavy fire 2nd floor with bravo and delta exposures Tour 4
December 3, 2021:Incident # 21-033704 Tour 1 4th alarm at 101-103 Lafayette Street with fatality -- 1st Alarm Assignment at 12:55 PM - Engines 1,4,5,7 Ladders 2,3 Rescue 2 RAC Unit Battalions 2,1 EMS 4,5 Car 9 Deputy 1 -- 2nd Alarm 23:43 Engine 3,2 -- 3rd Alarm 00:33 Engine 6 Ladder 1 --2.5 Story Wood Frame Heavy fire on the 2nd floors with Exposure Problems on the Delta Side. Fatal Fire Under Control 16:53 12/4/2021
December 23, 2021: 12:40 PM 173 Park Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling Incident # 21-035943 - 1st Alarm Assignment Engines 1,4,5,6 Ladders 1,3 Rescue 2 RAC Unit Battalions 2,1 EMS 1 Car 9 Deputy 1 -- 2nd Alarm 12:55 PM Engine 3,7 - 2.5 Story Wood Frame Heavy fire in the basement with Exposure Problems on the Bravo Side. Command Terminated 15:38 CLICK FOR DETAILS
December 23, 2021:@22:02 Hrs Incident 21-036005 Tour 1 628 Market Street 2.5 story wood frame with heavy fire on 1st & 2nd floors of vacated funeral home. Delta exposure. 1st Alarm: E1, E3, E5, E6, L1, L3, R2, RAC, B1, B2, EMS 3, Car 9, D3. 2nd Alarm: @22:22 E7, E4 Photos by Bill Tompkins
South Passaic Daily Voice
Jerry Speziale photo
Peter Danzo photo
Peter Danzo photo
Peter Danzo photo
CLICK the following images to enlarge (all but last one are BTFirephotos)