All incidents (meaning an Engine, Ladder or Rescue Company response) are numbered consecutively. The last two numbers of the year (i.e., 00 for 2000) would be followed by the incident number. For instance the thirty-sixth PFD response of the year 2000 would be incident # 00036
January 2, 2000: 4:30 PM 151 12th Avenue 2 story building
January 3 Herald
January 8, 2000: #000124 333 Fair Street 1 alarm (fatality) Dwelling
January 10 Herald
January 17, 2000: 175 12th Avenue Vacant dwelling Freezing temperatures
January 18 Herald
January 17, 2000: 4:43 PM 24 Lewis Street Dwelling with puppy
January 18 Herald
February 6, 2000: 6:01 AM #000749 247 Spring Street One alarm Dwelling
February 7 Herald
February 6, 2000: #000750 624 Main Street 3rd Alarm 0607 hrs Vacant house Additional Photos
Michael D'arco oral history - L1 relieved Tour 1 at Main & Chadwick Streets. 3 1/2 & 2 1/2 frames still heavily involved. Used ladder pipe until ordered inside to open up walls and ceilings for engine companies. E6,1,7,3 L1,2 B1 2nd E4,5 3rd E8 L2
Bill Tompkins Photo
BC Alex Creddio on roof -- Bill Tompkins pohoto
Courtesy Bill Tompkins
February 8, 2000: 3:52 AM Route 20 Northbound 2nd alarm Marcal Paper Products
February 9 Herald
February 11, 2000: #000820 333 Fair Street 2nd Alarm Dwelling
February 12 Herald
February 15: #000875 171 Fulton Street 2nd Alarm Dwelling
February 16 Herald
February 20: #000946 425 East 27th St 2nd Alarm (2 fatalities) Dwelling Aditional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
Courtesy Bill Tomkins
February 21 Herald
February 24, 2000: #001012 223-5 16th Ave General Alarm Dwelling
March 7, 2000: #001214 43 Ryle Avenue 2nd Alarm Vacant House
March 9, 2000: 2:30 PM 150 Governor Street Vacant dwelling
March 10 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
March 27, 2000: #001520 48 Oak Street 2nd Alarm 3 story appt bldg
March 28 Herald
May 24, 2000: 9:30 PM 590 East 25th Street 3 family dwelling
Mat 27 Herald
April 18, 2000: #001794 44 North 2nd St 2nd Alarm Rescues
DC is Norman Morley - April 19 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
April 29, 2000: 2:00 PM 51 Leigh Avenue Scrap metal yard
April 30 Herald
June 5, 2000: #002542 521 East 19th Street 2nd Alarm
June 6 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Bill Tompkins Photo
June 19, 2000: 2:00 AM Gould Avenue Islamic Fashion Center
June 25 Herald
June 26, 2000: Working fire @0201hrs at 76 Gould Avenue which is the former Engine Company 7 quarters. On arrival B1 reported working fire, heavy fire on 2nd floor of 2 story brick and joist commercial. Forced entry. L1 searched and vented 2nd floor. Opened up ceilings and walls. Aerial to roof and vented with K-12. Overhauled. E6, 3, 1, 7 L1, L2 and B1
July 11, 2000: 11:42 PM #003198 581 River Street 2nd Alarm Restaurant & appts
July 13 Herald
July 18, 2000: 6:18 PM 45 Clark Street Apartment complex
July 19 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
July 22, 2000: #003361 516 Madison Avenue 3 story duplex. General Alarm Additional Photos
July 23 Herald
July 23 Herald
July 26, 2000: 2:55 PM 101 Belmont Avenue Dwelling
July 30, 2000: 11:45 AM Auto fire on Chatham Avenue
July 31 Herald
August 1, 2000: 5:25 PM 17 Southard Street 2 story dwelling
August 2 Herald
August 3, 2000: 6:30 PM 52 Godwin Street Senior Citizen project -
August 4 Herald
August 5, 2000: #003557 157 Wayne Ave 2nd Alarm Dwelling
August 6 Herald
August 7, 2000: 4:50 PM East 22nd Street Apartment
August 6 Herald
August 9, 2000: 2:28 PM 281 North 4th Street Attic apartment
August 10 Herald
August 30, 2000: 3:49 AM 166 12th Avenue 2 story dwelling
August 31 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
August 30, 2000: 10:04 AM 171-191 Lafayette Street
September 1 Herald
September 8, 2000: #004050 @0354 Hrs 365-7 Totowa Avenue (corner Wayne Avenue) Tour 4 General Alarm 2 1/2 Wood Frame Occupied Dwelling
2001 Ball Book
Bill Tompkins Photo
Bill Tompkins Photo
Courtesy Bill Tompkins
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
September 9 Herald
September 23, 2000: #004310 0600 Hrs 70, 72, 74 and-76 12th Avenue Tour 3 General Alarm Dwellings Additional Photos
October 29, 2000: #004926 555, 557, 561, 563, 565 Main St. 170-174 Jackson St also damaged General Alarm 9 buildings Additional photos
2001 Ball Book
October 30 herald
Passaic FF on Mutual Aid
2001 ball Book
November 5, 2000: Main Street 7 hour blaze House of Compassion Ha;f-way house
November 8, 2000: #005089 150 Governor Street 3rd Alarm November 15, 2000: #005? 29 & 33 Belmont Avenue General Alarm 1 fatality Tour 1; D/C Joe Pelligrino & B/C Earl Plavier 3 Story Wood Frame Dwelling
2001 Ball Book
November 16 Herald
November 21, 2000: 1:02 PM #005348 140 Summer Street: the lot extends to Governor and Straight Streets General Alarm 4 Story Mill Additional photos
2001 Ball Book (Date error in clip- fire was in 2001)
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Chris Tompkins photo
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
BC Joseph W Murray Tour 3
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
November 22 Herald
November 27, 2000: 6:30 PM #005473301 Pacific Street General Alarm Tour 1 Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
Courtesy Bill Tompkins
Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
November 23 Herald
November 27, 2000: 11:30 PM
December 2 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
December 3, 2000: #005563 345 Fair Street General Alarm Tour 2 Vacant
Oral History - Michael D'Arco - @0055hrs. L1 Box to 345 Fair St. B2 reports working fire, 3 story brick and joist multiple dwelling with heavy fi e out the 3rd floor windows. Forced front door and up the interior stairs to 3rd floor. Forced off the stairs. Went to rear apartment and went up gooseneck ladder to open bulkhead door. Searched inside of door. Retrieved K-12 from member on aerial and vented roof. Ordered out and used ladder pipe. Then went back in to extinguish and overhaul. E5,1,4,6 L3,1 B2 2nd E3,8 3rd E7 L2 General Mutual Aid
December 4 Herald
December 25, 2000: #005? @1011 Hrs 83 Cedar Street 3rd Alarm Tour 1 Additional Photos
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
The record - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
The record - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
2001 Ball Book
Bill Tompkins Photo
The Record - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
2001 Ball Book
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
FF Charles Onorato of Engine 4 - The Record
2001 Ball Book
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
The Record - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
December 30, 2000: #006054 164 North 5th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 Dwelling
January 1, 2001: ~ 1 PM 1090 East 23rd Street 2 1/2 story dwelling
January 2 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 2, 2001: 12:51 PM 628 River Street Apartment Building
January 3 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 2, 2001: #010035 11:34 PM 460 Straight Street General Alarm Tour 1 Ultra Additives Chemical Plant Additional Photos
2001 Ball Book
Oral History - Michael D'Arco - @0800hrs. Relieved Tour 1 at Straight St & 20th Ave. Raised ground ladder and stretched 2 1/2 line to play line into factory. Then stretched line into commercial exposure to operate line into fire building. E6,1,3,7 L1,2 B1 2nd E5,4 3rd E8 L3 General Mutual Aid
North Jersey News - Courtesy Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
Bill Tompkins Photo
2001 Ball Book
B/C Earl Plavier, Captain Robert Hrib, and F/F Carl Larson. - 2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
B/C Earl Plavier, Captain Robert Hrib, and F/F Carl Larson. - 2001 Ball Book
FF Jim McGorty and Captain John Martin giving a lift to Beverly Scholfield's baby, Anisan, near the fire scene on Straight Street. Np one in neighborhood was evacuated but power was cut briefly.
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
January 11 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 3, 2001: #010046 9:30 AM 138 East 16th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2
2001 Ball Book (with inaccurate location)
The Herald January 4 - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
EMT at left is Mike Torres -Captain Ron Hanke on stretcher
Ladder 3 - Brian McDermott and Matt Gianci
The Record January 4 - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
Ladder 3 - FF Brian McDermott on Ladder and Matt Gianci on roof
Steve D'Arco and Frank Defrancesco
F/F Investigator Tom Geisler
FF Dave Coughlan
January 6, 2001: 9:32 PM 447 Tenth Avenue
January 8 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 19, 2001: @1030 Hrs 34 Plum Street 2nd alarm 2 1/2 story wood frame
2001 ball Book
January 20 Herald
January 19, 2001: ~ Noon Summer Street Dwelling
January 24, 2001: 23 Highland Street Bedroom in 3 story dwelling
January 25 Herald
February 1, 2001: 3:47 PM 434 Knickerbocker Avenue
February 2 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
February 3, 2001: #010057 393 Ellison Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
February 2, 2001: 10:20 PM 235 Paxton Street 2nd alarm
February 5 Herald
February 10, 2001: Alexander Hamilton Project Fire & Rescue - Bldg 2 1 alarm
February 15, 2001: 171 Fulton Street FF Injuries
February 20 Herald
February 26 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
February 17, 2001: 11:34 PM #010795 182 Jackson Street 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling Additional Photos
Jackson Street Bill Tompkins Photo
February 18 Herald
Ladder 2 Bill Tompkins photo
February 17, 2001: #010799 402-404 15th Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling
February 19 Record
February 21, 2001: 7:20 PM East 18th Street & 8th Avenue Auto accident
February 22 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
March 12, 2001: 9:56 PM 14 Lake Avenue
March 14 Herald
March 17, 2001: #011207 @0456 Hrs 44 17th Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 2 Vacant House
March 18 Herald
Michael D'Arco oral history - @0456hrs. L1 Box to 44 17th Ave. E1 reports working fire, 2 1/2 story frame vacant with heavily involved attic. Forced entry. Searched and opened up attic exposing fire for E1. Then opened up 2nd floor walls. E1,5,3,6 L1,3 B1 2nd E4,7
March 19, 2001: @0246 Hrs 117 Hamilton Avenue 1 alarm 2 1/2 story dwelling
2001 Ball Book
2001 Ball Book
March 25, 2001: #011334 370 East 28th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling (duplex) March 29, 2001: #011395 @0807 Hrs 26 Highland Street General Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling (fatality) Additional Photos
Herald News - Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
James Reyes (E4) at left and Mike Spada on nozzle
Chris Tompkins Photo
2001 Ball Book
March 29 Herald - courtesy Dennis Morrison
FF Scott Parkin of Engine 5
March 29, 2001: 11:05 PM 154 Governor Street Vacant dwelling
March 30 Herald
March 30, 2001: #011419 @14:21 Hrs 290 Pennsylvania Ave 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Commercial Garage (2 fatalities)
Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
D/C Dennis DiGuglielmo (Tour 4 Commander) at far right
FF Andrew Meyers (E8) and Fire Investigator Anthony Mortabito (at tight)
April 4, 2001: 8:50 PM 198 Park Avenue Dwelling
April 5 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
April 9, 2001: #011601 370 East 28th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 First alarm; E's 5,1,4,3 L's 3,1 B2 2nd E's 6,8 Vacant duplex since 3/25/01
FF without helmet is Orlando Rodriquez - Herald News - Courtesy Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
Herald News - Courtesy Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
April 14, 2001: #011695 130, 134, 136 East Main Street (at Amity Street) 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Additional Photos
April 16 Herald
Chris Tompkins Photo
Courtesy Chris Tompkins
Marty Pelta Photo
Herald News Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
April 16, 2001: #011716 878-880 Main Street 3rd Alarm Tour 1
April 17 Herald Courtesy Dennis Morrison
Cross and Elm Street hydrant issues at above 3rd alarm
April 18 Herald
April 28, 2001: #011899 368 Van Houten Street 3rd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
April 29 Herald
Courtesy Chris Tompkins
May 8, 2001: 10:00 PM Hinchliffe Stadium locker room
May 10 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
May 8, 2001: 10:28 PM 270 9th Avenue
May 10 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
May 16, 2001: 2:10 AM 438 Ellison Street Vacant dwelling
May 29, 2001: #012458 5:47 PM 142 Putnam Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Vacant House
Oral History by Michael D'Arco - @1747hrs. E-6 2nd alarm to 142 Putnam St. B2 reports working fire, vacant 2 1/2 story frame heavily involved. Took hydrant and fed L2. Assisted with exterior lines. E5,4,1,8 L3,2 B2 2nd E6,7
Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
May 30, 2001: #012480 318 McLean Blvd General Alarm Tour 1 Basic Plastic Company Additional Photos
June 9, 2001: #012620 577 (& extension to 575 & 579) Market Street General Alarm Tour 2
Oral history - Michael D'Arco - @0011hrs. AC-E5 Box to 557 Market St. E1 reports working fire, 2 1/2 story frame heavily involved with extension into both 2 1/2 story exposures. Stretched 1 3/4 line off E6 into exposure to extinguish all fire, open up walls and play line out window into original fire building. Did same on 2nd floor and attic. E1,5,3,6 L1,3 B2 2nd E4,7 3rd E8 L2
June 10 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
July 7, 2001: #013097 18 Market Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 July 22, 2001: #013288 291 Fulton Place 3rd Alarm Tour 1
August 3, 2001: 5:58 PM 58-85 Florida Avenue
August 4 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
August 10, 2001: #013609 195 Godwin Avenue 3rd Alarm Tour 4 Factory Additional Photos
August 11 Herald
August 30, 2001: Auto accidents 2:40 AM Maitland Avenue ~4 AM Presidential Blvd
August 30 Herald
September 15, 2001: #014211 314 Hamilton Avenue 3rd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling
September 16 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
September 18, 2001: #014263 440 Van Houten Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling
September 19 Herald
October 13, 2001: 3:20 PM181 North 9th Street Dwelling
October 14 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
October 19, 2001: Multiple fires
October 20 Herald
October 21, 2001: #014923 59, 61, 63 North 4th St 3rd Alarm Tour 1 Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
October 22, 2001: 10:44 AM 117 Hamilton Avenue Vacant dwelling
October 24 Herald
FF Tyrone Smith Engine 5 Tour 3
October 28, 2001: #015058 158 16th Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
October 29, 2001: #015087 268 Graham Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Mercantile
October 30 Herald
November 12, 2001: #015368 140 Summer Street General Alarm Tour 3 Factory (Apollo Dye) Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
December 3, 2001: #015719 12 Marshall Street (#10 & 14 also involved) General Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling Additional Photos
December 4 Herald
Chris Tompkins Photo
December 10, 2001: 3:40 PM Carroll Street apartment
December 11 Herald
December 14, 2001: 4:10 PM 41 Belle Avenue
December 16 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
December 22, 2001: #016014 411 East 16th Street General Alarm Tour 3 Center Body Works Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
December 25, 2001: 2:19 PM 391 East 37th Street 2nd alarm
Oral History from Michael D'Arco - @1403 hrs. AC-E5 Box to 201 E.35th St. Found working fire, 2 1/2 story frame with fire on 2nd floor. Stretched 1 3/4 line to 2nd floor to extinguish all fire. L1 opened up. Fed by E1. Overhauled. E5,1,4,3 L3,1 B2 2nd E6,7
December 26 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Bill Tompkins photo
December 27, 2001: 1:45 AM #016080 233 Hamilton Avenue 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Rooming House Additional Photos
December 28 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Bill Tompkins Photo
Herald News Kimberly/D'Arco Collection
January 1: #020024 108 North Main Street General Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
January 7, 2002: 7:15 PM 318 Broadway Apartment house
January 9 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 11, 2002: 12:50 PM 413 east 28th Street 2nd alarm 3 family home
January 13 Herald
January 12: #020198 413 East 28th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling January 19: 2:31 AM #020288 13 12th Avenue 1 Alarm Tour 2 Dwelling (Fatality)
January 20 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
February 2: 9:30 PM #020492 65 Goshen Street 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling Additional Photos
February 4 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
BC Alex Creddio -- Chris Tompkins Photo
Chris Tompkins photo
February 23, 2001: #020776 121, 123 North 3rd Street 2nd Alarm Tour 1
March 26, 2001: #021200 40 Goshen Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
April 2, 2002: 10 AM Lenox & Union Avenues Street Sweeper Machine fire
April 5, 2002: 2 East 11th Street Kirker Chemical
April 6 Herald
April 8, 2002: 11:15 PM Alexander Hamilton Project - 7th floor
April 9 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
April 27, 2002: #021649 109 23rd Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
April 30, 2002: 11:30 AM Market & Spruce Street - Building with gas leak
May 1 Herald
May 1, 2002: #02 Passaic County Jail General Alarm Tour 1 Basement Fire Additional Photos
May 23 Herald
Chris Tompkins Fire
May 3 Herald
May 14, 2002: #021914 131 Manchester Avenue 1 Alarm Tour 2 Fatality
May 19, 2002: #021975 339 East 38th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 Vacant under renovation
Oral History Michael D'Arco - @1924hrs. AC-L1 Box to 339 E.38th St. E1 reports vacant 2 1/2 frame heavily involved with exposure problem. Forced entry, aerial to roof. Used saw to ventilate. Opened up 2nd floor and attic. Overhauled. E1,3,5,6 L1,3 B1 2nd E4,7
June 5, 2002: #022241 121, 123, 125 East Holsman Street 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Dwellings
June 25, 2002: #022513 86 Godwin Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling June 27, 2002: #022547 @1547 Hrs 114 Highland Street General Alarm Tour 2 Dwelling
Oral History Michael D'Arco - 1547hrs. AC-E1 Box to 114 Highland St. B3 reports working fire, 2 1/2 story frame with fire out the 2nd floor windows. Took hydrant and fed L2. Also stretched 1 3/4 line into attic to extinguish heavy fire. Overhauled. L’s 3 and 2 opened roof. E5,4,1,8 L3,2 B2 2nd E6,7 B2
June 28 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Michael D'Arco - Acting Captain E1
July 2, 2002: #022626 110 East 22nd Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
July 3, 2002: #022652 365 Delaware Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling July 28, 2002: #023017 231-233 Market Street 3rd Alarm Tour 1 4 story mercantile Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
August 4, 2002: #023135 108 Mill Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling August 7, 2002: #023175 64 Franklin Street 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling
Oral history by Michael D'Arco - 1257hrs. E6 2nd alarm to 64 Franklin St. 3 story frame heavily involved with trapped occupants. Ladder 3 and 1 made 3 rescues via ladder. Took hydrant and stretched 2 2 1/2 lines to operate on heavily involved building. E5,4,1,3 L3,1 B2 2nd E6,7 3rd E8 L2
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Marty Pelta photo
Marty Pelta photo
Marty Pelta photo
August 10, 2002: #023218 141 16th Avenue (139, 143 also involved) 3rd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
September 7, 2002: #023580 Fatal 2nd alarm 552 East 22nd St. Tour 1 Additonal Photos
Michael D'Arco oral history - @0210hrs. L1 Box to 552 E.22nd St. B2 reports 2 1/2 story frame with heavy fire on 2nd floor with a trapped occupant. Attempted searches of attic but driven down by heavy fire. Building evacuated, defensive ops. Operated a 2 1/2 off E5. 51 reports 1 fatality. E5,1,3,4 L3,1 B2 2nd E6,7
Ladder 3 -- Bill Tompkins Photo
October 19, 2002: #024260 73 12th Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
Courtesy Bill Tomplins
November 8, 2002: #024560 137 Butler Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling Additional Photos
PPD Officer is Joseph Tanis - November 9 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
FF Sam Joyner of Engine 1 tour 4 back then.
Chris Tompkins Photo
FF Pablo Camacho
Courtesy Chris Tompkins
November 9, 2002 #024578 PS #18 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Roof Fire
November 20, 2002: #024739 247 Walnut Street 1 Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling (Fatality) Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
December 4, 2002: 3:11 PM #024919 23 & 25 Elizabeth Street 3rd Alarm Tour 2 Dwelling (Fatality)
Michael D'Arco oral history - @1511hrs. L1 Box to 25 Elizabeth St. E6 reports working fire, 2 1/2 story frame heavily involved with extension into 2 1/2 story framed exposure and a trapped occupant. Occupant removed E6. Searched and vented 2nd floor. Aerial to roof, used saw to vent. Opened up and overhauled. 1 female fatality. E6,1,3,7 L1,2 B3, 2nd E5
December 5 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
December 5, 2002: 9:39 AM 57 Cedar Street 2 story frame dwelling
December 6 Herald
December 11, 2002: #020527 408 East 35th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 1 3 fatalities Additional photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
December 13, 2002: 5:40 AM 408 East 35th Street 3 deaths
December 14 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
December 18, 2002: 10:45 AM Holsman Street Holy Tabernacle Apostolic Church
December 19 Herald
December 29, 2002: #025287 19 (extension to #21) North 9th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
February 6, 2003: 6:45 AM 653 East 26th Street Multifamily dwelling
Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
February 5, 2003: 5:28 AM 410 Hamilton Avenue Dwelling
February 6 Herald
February 10, 2003: Chestnut Street dwelling fire
February 11 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
February 13, 2003: 9:30 PM 85 Madison Street
February 19, 2003: East 25th Street Car fire with fatality
Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
February 21, 2003: #030971 264 (& 262) Hamilton Avenue 3rd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
February 25, 2003: 10:23 AM 225-227 16th Avenue General alarm
February 25 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
March 4, 2003: 4 PM Car fire Route 198
March 5 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
March 9, 2003: #031222 365 Park Avenue 3rd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
March 14, 2003: Oral History Michael D'Arco - @1834hrs. AC-E4 Box to 199 Market St. On scene found fire out the rear window of a 3 story type 3 occupied mixed use. Called for water feed in rear lot and stretched 1 3/4 line up rear fire escape. L2 forced door. Extinguished all fire, L2 overhauled. E4,1,7,5 L2,1 B2 2nd E6,8
March 19, 2003: #031380 156 Governor Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 3 Story (unoccupied)
March 25, 2003: 11:37 AM 483 Graham Avenue Dog rescue
March 26 Herald
March 29, 2003: 610 East 36th Street Microsoft Industries
Chief Pasquariello in photo - Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
April 11, 2003: 4:30 PM 34 Plum Street Vacant dwelling ? Fatalities
April 12 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
April 20, 2003: #031820 696-698 River Street (26-28 E 16th also involved) General Alarm Tour 2 Additional Photos
Oral History - Michael D'Arco - 0800hrs. E6 relieved Tour 2 at 696-698 River St. General Alarm involving 2 3 1/2 story frames and 1 2 1/2 frame on East 16th St. Operated 1 3/4 line in 3 1/2 story frame with heavy fire throughout. Extensive overhaul. E5,4,8,1 L3,2 B2 2nd E6,7 3rd E3 L1 Gen Mut Aid
April 21 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Bill Tompkins Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
L R Capt Alala Matt Zaccone Andy Morabito -- Marty Pelta Photo
April 23, 2003: # 031854 86 Godwin Avenue 2nd Alarm Vacant House
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
May 28, 2003: #032385 351 (extension to 349, 353) Union Avenue 3rd alarm Tour 1 Additional Photos
Chris Tompkins Photo
June 25, 2003: #032818 125 Presidential Blvd Apt 16E General Alarm Tour 1 High Rise
June 26 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
July 19, 2003: #033209 55 Church Street General Alarm Tour 1
July 21, 2003: West Broadway & Belmont Avenue Diesel spill
July 22 Herald
September 13: #034132 121 Fulton Place 1 alarm Tour 4 Dwelling (Duplex, Fatality)
September 14 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
October 3, 2003: #034460 727 East 19th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling October 6, 2003: #034517 485 East 19th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling (converted mill)
Oral History Michael D'Arco - @1223hrs. E5 to 485 E.19th St. apt.3B. On scene found fire out 3rd floor windows of 4 story converted mill multiple dwelling. Transmitted working fire and requested 2nd alarm. Hooked housing load up to 2nd floor standpipe and stretched to apartment. Door forced by L3. Extinguished all fire and overhauled. E5,1,4,6 L3,1 B3 2nd E4,3
October 23, 2003: 470 McBride Avenue Bar and Grill, Mixed Occupancy
October 24 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
October 24, 2003: 11 AM #034815 916 Main Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 Dwelling
October 25 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
November 3, 2003: 6:30 AM Market and Summer Streets 3 story apartment building
Oral History - Michael D'ARco - @0800hrs. E7 relieved Tour 3 at Market & Beech Sts, large 3 story frame with heavy fire throughout. Operated 1 3/4 line on 3rd floor extinguishing and overhauling with L2. E6,1,5,3 L1,3 B1 2nd E7,4 3rd E8 L2
Record - Courtesy Dennis Morrison
November 3, 2003: 6:15 AM 334-336 Market Street #034951 ~ 10:00 AM 211 Main Street (at Ellison St) General Alarm Tour 4 Retail Stores
Oral History Michael D'Arco - @1000hrs. E7 Box while leaving previous fire to 211 Main St. E4X reports heavy fire 1st floor of 3 story type 3 commercial extending up shaft. Went to 2nd floor, opened up exposing fire, then to 3rd floor. Found heavy fire with extension into cockloft. Several lines stretched to 3rd floor. Operated until ordered to evacuate by D/C Duffy minutes before the roof collapsed into 3rd floor. Operated exterior lines. E4X, 7,8X,5X L2X, 3X 2nd E6,5 3rd E1 L1
FF Carlos Pagan on the left with Captain Maldonado -November 4 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
November 4 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Record - Courtesy Dennis Morrison
November 13, 2003: 180 Jefferson Street at North 6th Street 2nd Alarm
November 14 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
November 26, 2003: #035355 71-73 North 8th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling
November 27 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
December 2, 2003: 10:21 PM 9 Madison Avenue General Alarm Tour 1 Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
E5 BTF Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
January 15, 2004: #040375 71 Marshall Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling
January 16 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 16, 2004: #040402 142 (extension to 140) North 7th St 3rd alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
F/F Dave Coughlan
Hancock Collection
January 18, 2004: #040518 358 Pacific Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling January 25, 2004: #040656 185 Union Avenue All Hands with extra Engine called Tour 3 Gas station with several cars involved 2 FF injured Additional Photos
January 26 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Bill Tompkins Photo
January 28, 2004: #040715 20 East 19th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
Michael D'Arco oral history - @0529hrs. E4Box to 20 E.19th St. B2 reports working fire, 2 2 1/2 story frames well involved. Took hydrant and stretched 2 1/2 to rear yard to operate on heavy fire. E5,4,1,8 L3,2 B2 2nd E6,7
February 2, 2004: 64-66 Broadway Mixed occupancy
February 3 Record courtesy Dennis Morrison
January 28, 2004: #040715 20 East 19th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
February 12, 2004: Michael D'Arco oral history - @1435hrs. E4 Spec Call to 408 Pacific St. for working fire in large 2 1/2 story frame. Took hydrant and fed L3’s ladder pipe. Then stretched 2 1/2 off E3 to operate on all visible fire. Then reduced to 1 3/4 to stretch up rear fire escape and operate on all fire in 2nd floor and attic. Then gave L3’s water to L1 who operated their ladder pipe. E6,3,1,7 L1,2 B1 2nd E5 Spec Call E4
February 21, 2004: #041206 129 (extension to 127) E Main St 3rd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
Michael D'Arco oral history - @0300hrs. E4 Box to 129 E Main St. Found 2 1/2 story frame with heavy fire in rear extending into building. Stretched 1 3/4 to 2nd floor to extinguish heavy fire. Then took line to rear stairs to extinguish all fire in enclosed rear stairwell. E4,5,8,7 L2,3 B1 2nd E1,6
March 5, 2004: #041424 207 Liberty Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling
March 7, 2004: 1:46 AM 93 Straight Street 3 1/2 story apartment building
March 8 Record
March 11, 2004: 2:02 PM 201 Alabama Avenue Apartment
March 12 Record
March 22, 2004: 11:34 AM Broadway Public Safety Complex Engine 7 has accident
March 23 Record
April 3, 2004 # 041861 75-77 Putnam Street 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling (Fatality) Additional Photos
April 4 Record
Marty Pelta Photo
Tompkins Photo
B/C Brude Vander Voort Marty Pelta photo
Marty Pelta photo
Marty Pelta photo
Courtesy Bill Tompkins
F/F Pete Lobosco at right
April 5 Record
April 11, 2004: 3:24 AM 478 River Street 2 1/2 story dwelling
April 12 Record
April 16, 2004: #042073 192 with extension to 190 Hamilton Ave 3rd Alarm Tour 4 Vacant
April 17 Record
Deputy Chief Scott MacGilvray -- Marty Pelta Photo
May 10, 2004: #042479 4:17 AM 132-134 Godwin Ave (at Graham) General Alarm Tour 4 Additional Photos
Bill Tompkins Photo
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
Hancock Collection
May 13, 2004: #042508 460 East 30th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling
May 14 Herald
May 19, 2004: ~4 PM 392 McBride Avenue
June 5, 2004: Oral History by Michael D'Arco - @0130hrs. E4 Box to 595 River St. B3 reports working fire, 3 story type 3 mixed use OMD with heavy fire Div’s 2,3 and the cockloft. Took hydrant and fed E5. Stretched 1 3/4 line off E5 to Exposure D (similar detached) and played line into fire building. L2 stretched 1 3/4 off E4 to Exposure D 2nd floor and played into fire building. E5,4,1,8 L3,2 B3 2nd E6,3
June 11, 2004: 7:30 AM Webster Avenue Dwelling
June 5, 2004: #042879 598 River Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 3 Story June 14, 2004: #043003 79 Jasper Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling
June 28, 2004: #043249 991 East 25th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 Mixed occupancy
June 29 Herald
Unit 57 - Accountability Officer Truck
July 4, 2004: #043332 138, 140, 142 North 7th Street 3rd Alarm Tour 4 Dwellings
July 5 Record courtesy Dennis Morrison
Marty Pelta Photo
Marty Pelta Photo
Mike Fleming, Mike Robinson, DC MacGilvery, Sal Brigati, Brian Burns, Gabe Abouyan, Head is Calamita, Tony Vindeed, - Marty Pelta Photo
July 5 Record
July 11, 2004: 1:04 AM 156 North 3rd Street
July 12 Record
August 9, 2004: 10:31 AM 85 5th Avenue Advanced Biotech
August 10 Record
August 23, 2004: #044028 1 East 11th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 2 Kirker Chemical
September 1, 2004 #044162 6 Grimes Place 2nd alarm Tour 3 Housing project dwelling
September 3 Record courtesy Dennis Morrtison
Marty Pelta Photo
BC Peter Crampton -- Marty Pelta Photo
September 2, 2004: #044183 223 Wayne Avenue 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling September 12, 2004: #044327 565 Market Street 2nd Alarm Tour 1 Dwelling
Michael D'Arco oral history @0032hrs. E4 2nd alarm to 565 Market St for 2 2/12 story frames heavily involved. Took hydrant and fed L3. Also stretched 1 3/4 off E6 to exposure to extinguish all fire on Div 2 and attic. Overhauled E1,5,3,6 L1,3 B1 2nd E4,7
September 18, 2004: #044403 58 Hopper Street 3rd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling
September 28, 2004: Oral History Michael D'Arco - @0240hrs. E4 2nd alarm to 216 Spring St. B1 reports working fire, 2 1/2 story frame heavily involved. Took hydrant and fed E6. Then stretched 2 1/2 off E7 to rear yard to operate on all fire. Then stretched 1 3/4 off E7 to extinguish all fire on Div 2. E6,1,3,7 L1,2 B1 2nd E4,5
October 3, 2004: 6:10 AM 17 Crooks Avenue Dwelling
October 4 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrrison
October 8, 2004: #04696 29 Holsman Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Vacant
October 12, 2004: 6:25 PM 50 Montclair Avenue
October 13 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
October 15, 2004: #044830 239 Liberty Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling November 1, 2004: #045130 100 North 6th Street 2nd Alarm Tour 4 Dwelling
November 2 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
November 9, 2004: #045257 741 East 18th Street (extension to 739 & 743 East 18th St) General Alarm Tour 3 Vacant Additional Photos
November 10 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Spartan RD Murry Pumper - Bill Tompkins photo
Michael MacLean Photo
Michael MacLean Photo
Michael MacLean Photo
Michael MacLean Photo
Michael MacLean Photo
November 27, 2004: #045565 129, 133,135, 139 Walnut Street 3rd Alarm Tour 2 Dwellings
November 28 Herald courtesy Dennis Morrison
Brian McDermott (then Captain of L2)
Spartan RD Murray Pumper
Michael McLean Photo
Michael McLean Photo
Michael McLean Photo
Michael McLean Photo
Michael McLean Photo
December 1, 2004 #045625 199-201-203 Governor Street General Alarm Tour 1 Dwellings
Oral History - Mchael D'Arco - @0646hrs. E4 Box to 201 Governor St. B2 reports 2 1/2 story frame heavily involved with extension into both exposures, working fire and 2nd alarm. Dropped from hydrant and fed by E6. Stretched 2 1/2 line to rear yard to hit heavy fire. Also stretched 1 3/4 line into Exposure B to operate on heavy fire on Div’s 1&2. Operated until untenable conditions with ceiling collapse. Continued operating 2 1/2 between exposures B and B1. E5,4,1,6 L3,2 B2 2nd E3,7 3rd E8 L1 Gen Mut Aid
E1 and L1 - Mike McLean photo
Marty Pelta Photo
E5 Mike Mclean photo
E1 Pierce Saber - Mike Mclean photo
December 10, 2004: #045766 73-75 (71 also involved) Bloomfield Avenue 3rd Alarm Tour 2 Dwellings
December 10, 2004: #045771 124 Marshall Street 2nd Alarm Tour 3 Dwelling