Materials courtesy of Dennis Morrison
"Six persons were killed almost Instantly and 20 seriously injured In the train wreck at Paterson, N. J., where an accommodation train on the Lackawanna railroad crashed into the rear of the Buffalo express standing near the station. The dead are: Wlllard Craig, Mrs. Willard Craig and their two daughters, aged 10 and 15 years, all of Scranton,. Pa.; Mrs. Daniel Rowe, Ithaca, N. Y.; W. J. Welbrock, Cornell student. G-H. White, Ithaca, N. Y., will die from his Injuries, and Daniel Rowe of Ithaca will also die. The engineer on the accommodation) train was John Riordan. He stuck to his post. The fireman is said to have Jumped Just before the locomotive struck the end of the smoker. Riordan escape practically unhurt. He said that he had seen no danger signal, and did not know that the Buffalo train was on the other side of the curve, as it was an hour behind its regular